The model was built in colorful straws and white foam boards. however they can not show the texture of the walls of the building. without photograph, the model probably will not even looks like a building. the techique of photograph helps me to illustrate the model that showing what it would be looks like in reality. the blurred background makes the building to stand out.
the new york's hearst tower represents the idea of the harmony of old and new. a 182 meters tall tower is construted on the roof of a 6 story base. also the number of environment consideriations had been built in plan.
this is a picture of Washington Monument that i took last year. the reason i choose this is because that i like the design of the monument. it is made in marble, granite and bluestone gneiss.and there is no one alphabetic letter on monument, it reflects light, that is why the monument looks bright in the picture. it is the tallest stone structure in the world,standing 555feet high.